How to start successful Pharma Franchise Business.

In healthcare sector, you have many options to make your career as retailer, chemist, wholesaler, as own marketing agency, as online pharmacy store but we will here suggest to start your pharma franchise business by taking franchise of reputed PCD Pharma Company. If you have marketing and sales experience of pharma products then it will become easy to set your own pharma franchise. Here we are discussing some procedure and steps for setting your own PCD marketing business.

For starting new Pharma franchise business, you don’t need many documents and particulars. Most PCD Pharma Company will ask for GSTIN and drug license number. You can easily arrange these from your appointed wholesaler or you can apply for your own wholesaler firm. It is costlier to start your own wholesaler firm in starting. You can also appoint distributor then. To avoid problems, you need to plan following things for further process. Procedure for becoming Pharma franchise is given as below:

  • ·         Prepare list of pharma products you want to market.
  • ·         Search for PCD Pharma Company or pharma Franchise Company in search engines or in any print media.
  • ·         Enquire with them whether your monopoly location for Pharma Franchise is vacant?
  • ·         If Vacant, then you can ask for price list with net rate and MRP.
  • ·         Same way, you should collect Price list for 4 to 5 companies for rate and product range comparison.
  • ·         Read important terms and condition carefully before starting pharma franchise business. Here you should select company as per reputation, brand name, net rate, MRP and other terms & condition.
  • ·         Also inquire about company track record, history and feedback of other existing franchisees while selecting company.
  • ·         When you finally select then ask them to send sample and promotional material.

Follow above steps for selecting pharma Franchise Company. After selection you can introduce company as sales manager and not as a marketing of company. You should make business plan and list of doctors of your territory. You can use some below steps for launching your pharma marketing company in your area.

  • ·         Prepare list of Doctors of your area.
  • ·         Conduct survey for most prescribed molecule by doctors.
  • ·         Make list of those molecules.
  • ·         Prepare sampling and promotional input.
  • ·         Check stock of promoted products.
  • ·         Prepare brief price list including MRP, price to retailer and stockiest. 
  • ·         Take appointment from doctor by suitable channel.
  • ·         Provide details of your product to Doctor and also give sample if require.  
  • ·         Visit nearest chemist shop of hospital or clinic. Inform them about your product, contact number & stockiest number.

If you are experienced in pharma marketing then this activity is similar as you were doing in your last job. Now you have to work with more consistency because you are working for your own products. It is not easy to become successful in short time period. It demands hard work, dedication, time, effort and sacrifices etc.


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